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Faith Lutheran School Security Policy
Our aim is to provide a safe and secure environment for our students, staff and visitors. Our Security Policy ensures that we have in place effective procedures to enable us to achieve this aim.
Roles and responsibilities
Management Responsibility
School security is shared between the Board of Trustees, the School Board, and School Director.
Role of the Board
The Board is responsible for formulating the Security Policy and monitoring its implementation.
At Faith Lutheran School the Board monitors the policy on a term by term basis. Any key issues that arise are taken to the full Board for discussion.
Role of the School Director
The School Director is responsible for implementing the security policy agreed by the Board.
The School Director will ensure:
- Staff is aware of the importance of security and understands the school’s policy and their responsibilities.
- Staff training needs are kept under review and training as necessary.
- Parents are informed of the security policy and asked to abide by all policies and procedures.
- Formal risk assessments are conducted and updated on a regular basis.
- There are annual risk assessments conducted by the School Director and a security expert.
- In addition routine security checks are carried out on an on-going basis by the School Director, school staff, local police, highway patrol and safety experts.
- Timely reports are made to the School Board and Board of Trustees
- All crimes are reported to the Police.
- The above applies to both church & school facility, and gymnasium facility.
Guidelines for school security Security of Pupils, Staff and Visitors
Security Strategies in School
- Staff based in school are the only staff to know the combination of the door lock.
- Staff is to contact the office, School Director, and/or Pastor in an emergency.
- All staff will challenge unknown or unauthorized visitors and verify the reason for their presence on school grounds.
- Staff will verify sign-in and sign-out sheets daily.
- During drills and emergencies, staff will keep list of all students in their class on their person and verify presence of each child.
- All parents must sign their children in each morning and sign them out each afternoon except for 7 & 8th grade with written permission from parents.
- All parents must inform school if someone else will be picking up their child from school.
- All visitors, including contractors, are required to report to school office. Visitors must enter through security door and be granted entrance by school staff during school hours.
- Parents will be reminded of our security strategies at the beginning of the school year by the School Director, and on a regular basis if any changes are made to the security program.
- All staff must ensure that the people trying to gain entry to the School should enter via the main entrance and check in at the school office. They should not gain entry through any other door.
- All external doors to be kept closed at all times (doors can be opened internally but not externally).
- Downstairs entrance to be locked during school hours at all times.
- Video monitoring of entrances and hallways to be on at all times.
- Admission through security must be verified with visual approval by staff (on monitor or in person).
- Video security system records all entrances.
- Children must not play in areas outside of fence or leave fenced area unless accompanied by school staff.
- All staff to challenge visitors on the school grounds during playtimes and verify the reason for their presence.
Security of Equipment:
- All expensive, portable equipment to be marked as belonging to the School.
- All staff to take shared responsibility to ensure the security strategies are implemented.
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