A child can become fully educated only by exploring and coming to terms with all facets of human existence. Faith Lutheran School supports parents who desire a well-rounded and balanced educational program for their children.
School-Home Connectivity
School-Home Connectivity
A Christian school environment supports and extends the loving home environment most parents strive to create.
Learning Environment
Learning Environment
An exciting, hands-on, experiential learning environment filled with love and compassions supports the different learning styles of our students.
Only dedicated and "called" teachers can minister to the total needs of children in an educational setting. FLS also meets all state and core requirements in its curriculum.
Parental Involvement
Parental Involvement
Parents of children at Faith Lutheran School care about the education of their children. Active parental involvement in school programming is essential to the success of the joint educational endeavor.
Lifelong Results
Lifelong Results
Future generations will depend upon people with appropriate values and attitudes to provide direction and quality in life; the values and attitudes taught at FLS are essential to this process.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is not only presented in a straight-forward, non-sectarian, and natural manner, but the message is modeled in the behavior of those associated with the program. Spiritual and/or religious experiences at school are intended to support those established in the home.

- Faith Lutheran School is a member of LESA, the Lutheran Elementary School Association for Lutheran Schools in Missouri.
- Faith Lutheran School’s teachers are cert​ifie​d teachers in the state of Missouri.
- Our students far outperform their public school counterparts on standardized achievement tests.
- The NAEP report, often called the "Nation's Report Card" ranked the Lutheran School system the #1 school system in the country!
- On recent tests, 100% of Faith Lutheran ​School 1st-5th graders scored at least one grade level and as much as nine grade levels above their enrolled grade in Reading, Math, Language, Spelling, and Listening on the Stanford Achievement Test, based on national averages.
- Faith Lutheran School’s middle school band program is taught by a Truman State University Master of Arts in Music graduate teaching student.
- Faith Lutheran School is a member of the National Archery in the Schools Program, which meets national PE standards, and has demonstrated increased academic success and improved self-confidence in participants nationwide.